
Stray Dog Mother: Worried How to Feed Her 5 Puppies

A woman found a stray dog giving birth to puppies in a green area of the neighborhood. She brought some old clothes and blankets to keep them warm. The next day, she brought them food and fixed up their little den. A few days later, the mama dog started coming out to greet her. Even though she couldn’t adopt them, she made sure they had enough food. Today when she came to feed them, the mama dog seemed upset about something. She might be worried about the future too. Today the woman and her daughter made a new home for the dog family.

The mama dog was nowhere to be seen, but the puppies were sound asleep. When the mama dog saw the woman coming, she wagged her tail non-stop. The woman had been feeding the dog family for eleven days now. The puppies were all scrambling to nurse from their mom. The daughter always tagged along to feed the puppies. She thought they were so cute! On day seventeen, the woman brought her daughter to feed the puppies. The mama dog was out, and only five puppies were sleeping there. It started snowing, so the woman brought food for the mama dog.

A puppy went missing a couple days ago. Maybe someone adopted it? Because it was cold, she found a foam box for the puppies to use as a den. The woman brought food for the mama dog every day. How would they make it through this cold winter? The puppies were 25 days old now. Another one got adopted, leaving just three. The daughter braved the heavy snow to feed the mama dog again. The puppy in the daughter’s arms didn’t move. It was a bit scared. These two puppies also wanted the daughter to hold them.

This puppy was much braver. The puppies were 32 days old. The woman tried feeding them solid food. The puppies were chubby and super cute. The mama dog always waited for the puppies to finish before eating herself. The daughter couldn’t get enough of the three puppies. Whenever she had time, the daughter would come with her mom to feed the puppies. The puppies were getting used to the daughter and came to greet her. The puppies were 40 days old now. The mama dog often didn’t come back, sometimes not showing up for days.

Today another puppy got adopted. With the mama dog gone, the two left were a bit scared. The daughter came to feed the puppies again. The two happily came to greet her. Rain or shine, the daughter never missed a day feeding the puppies. The daughter called out the puppies’ names from afar. Hearing her, they ran over. The two puppies were growing up. They now saw the daughter as their best friend. Today it took a while for the puppies to come out when the daughter called. The daughter fed them from winter to spring, and spring to summer. The puppies had grown up!

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